Parent Policies and Reminders

Closed-Toe shoe policy

For the safety of our students, please make sure to send your child in tennis shoes or other closed-toe shoes with a velcro closure. (laced shoes are not permitted)

ID Policy

Please remember that whoever is picking up your child should always have a photo ID or car tag available. These are used when there is a new teacher, a substitute, or an unfamiliar adult picking up. All IDs will be checked against the classroom's pick-up list.

Outside food Policy

Discovery Island is not a peanut- and tree nut-free facility but we highly encourage you to refrain from sending nut products due to students with life threatening allergies.

Children are expected to eat breakfast daily before arrival, we do offer a morning snack. Any foods sent from home will be kept in a child’s cubby until their classes designated meal times.

We love to celebrate birthdays but ask that if you would like to bring a treat that it be a cookie cake or healthy snack such as fruit or gummies. 

TOys from home

Please limit toys and accessories brought from home to one soft toy for naptime. Hard toys are not allowed at naptime and toys from home are not used throughout the day. We ask that you leave these in the car when dropping off to avoid upsetting the children more than necessary.